04 November 2007

The Weekend in Review

Spent some of the weekend catching up on sleep. It was a very long week last week and the coming week doesn't promise to be any better. Son and heir (apparent) has been working on installing a new clutch on a very old snow machine. I'll give him credit for resourcefulness. He managed to get the old clutch off the machine using pieces of another Skandic clutch tool and the shaft of a conventional gear puller. The problem that we are now facing is the threads in the shafter are rolled inward so the bolt won't bite. Next week I'll need to chase the threads if I am able to determine the thread type. I know the diameter is 14 mm but the pitch is another story. The manual says 1mm but I am thinking 1.5 mm. We made a run to Sears to look for a thread gage and then to the local industrial hardware store (AIH). I am not sure where these companies get their help but...

The time change is messing with my biologic clock. The clock is ticking toward 2030 hours and it has been dark for about 3 hours now but my body is feeling like it is much later.

Ribs, mashed potatoes, green beans, and Alaskan Amber for dinner. Not a bad life. Loaded the stove with spruce and enjoyed some television with the family. My eldest daughter loves Extreme Home Makeover. Although some of the episodes are better tht others I found this one exceptionally annoying. The situation was a family near Cheyenne, WY and a house with a radon problem. Surprise. Most of the intermountain west has a problem with radon to varying degrees. It is a problem that is fairly easy to remedy. Ventilate. Sometimes trenching, vapor barrier, and perforated pipe. In true Hollywood style, the blew the existing house to pieces... dramatic but hardly necessary. Better that they remediated a dozen or so home rather than spend the money the way did, if they were really concerned about radon. It is all theater. designed to woo audiences and sell Sear, Ford, etc. etc.


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